Solace Low-E Glass

If you’re looking for increased energy efficiency and comfort in your living environment, adding Low-E high performance glass and argon gas to your double or tripled glazed unit provides even better results.Solace Low-E is NEXT’s low emissivity (Low-e) glass promising the highest thermal performance. An almost invisible low emissivity coating is applied to our ultra-clear glass and placed into an insulated glass unit (IGU).

Experience energy efficiency with our entry level Solace Low-E

  • Most Affordable
  • Reduces energy bills, increases savings
  • Experience the solace low-e benefits at an affordable price point

Feel and see the difference with premium ultra-high clarity

  • Premium ultra clear glass
  • Highest light transmittance
  • Maximum clarity

Maximize heat in your home with our highest thermal performance

  • Ultimate insulation
  • Ultimate solace low-e
  • Ultimate thermal comfort
  • Ultimate energy efficiency

A revolutionary thin glass for modern triple and quad glazing solutions

  • Superior thermal output
  • Super slim glass
  • Super light weight
  • Maximum solace low-e
  • Standard unit size, greater glass capacity

Why Solace Low-E?

Solace Low-E is a low emissivity glass with an almost invisible coating covering the inside of a glass pane. This coating lets the sun's light in and maintains the heat indoors creating a shield against the cold.